research and knowledge

Krem Radio®Sun ukojenie dla skóry

Lekarze dermatolodzy są jednogłośni – należy chronić skórę przed szkodliwym wpływem promieniowania UV i to przez cały rok, a latem w szczególności. Słońce może powodować fotodermatozy, zaburzenia barwnikowe, a także fotoimmunosupresję pod postacią np. opryszczki....

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Życie, zdrowie, choroba

Promieniowanie docierające na Ziemię z kosmosu zawiera promieniowanie podczerwone, świetlne widzialne oraz ultrafioletowe (UV). Za utrzymanie odpowiedniej temperatury na Ziemi odpowiada promieniowanie podczerwone. Życiodajnej energii promieni widzialnych zawdzięczamy...

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Pielęgnacja skóry w trakcie radioterapii i chemioterapii

Radioterapia jest skuteczną metodą leczenia, w której wykorzystuje się promienie jonizujące do zniszczenia jak największej liczby komórek zmienionych nowotworowo. Bezpośrednim wynikiem działania promieniowania jonizującego mogą być różne zmiany skórne, tzw. odczyny...

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Powikłania skórne w trakcie terapii onkologicznej

Ponieważ promieniowanie jonizujące zawsze na swojej drodze do nowotworu napotyka zdrowe komórki, radioterapia obarczona jest ryzykiem wystąpienia ogólnych skutków ubocznych, takich jak: złe samopoczucie, senność, obniżenie nastroju, brak apetytu oraz zmęczenie i stres...

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Randomized, placebo controlled, double-blind study

Femiano F et al., (2011) compared in a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, parallel study the efficacy of saliva substitutes and citric acid long-term therapyfor oral dryness relief and unstimulated salivary flow in patients reporting drug-induced...

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Randomized, double-blind, crossover study

Jellema AP et al., (2001) evaluated in a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, crossover study the efficacy of Xialine® (xanthan gum) saliva substitute spray in 30 patients (aged 46-79 years) with radiation-induced xerostomia for 1 week per phase, overall 3...

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Randomized, double-blind, crossover study

Morales-Bozo I et al., (2012) evaluated the efficacy of two mouthrinses in the reduction of xerostomía-associated symptomatology in a randomized, double-blind, cross-over clinical trial with progressive recruitment and a washout period, in 67 adult patients with...

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Randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, study

Ship JA et al., (2007) evaluated the safety and efficacy of a group of topical dry mouth products (toothpaste, mouth rinse, mouth spray and gel) containing olive oil, betaine and xylitol in a randomized, single-blinded, controlled, cross-over clinical study in 40...

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Randomized, controlledclinical trial

Silvestre FJ et al., (2009) demonstrated in a randomized, controlled clinicalstudy the subjective improvement afforded by a new artificial saliva in spray form containing an aqueous solution of mineral salts, xylitol and citric acid, in 37 elderly patients (aged over...

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Randomized, placebo controlled, double-blind study

Van der Reijden WA et al., (1996) examined in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial the efficacy of 3 types of polymer-based saliva substitutes in reducing oral dryness in 43 patients (aged 25-79 years) with primary and secondary Sjögren’s syndrome for...

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A healthy approach to weight loss

It leads to serious health complications and has a negative effect on the human body and psyche. Obesity is a complex chronic disease that is now recognized as a serious social problem. Obesity (defined by the body mass index BMI) is the excessive accumulation of...

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Let saliva on his tongue (MucoDry X)

Excessive dry mouth, caused by too little or no saliva. This is the most bothersome and painful sign of xerostomy. In addition, this condition disturbs the sense of taste, causes pain and discomfort while eating, and is sometimes the cause of caries. Read all: Niech...

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Skin problems as a result of the harmful effects of UV rays

From the 1930s on, a tan was considered attractive. Mahogany skin and an athletic figure were associated with a healthy lifestyle, so sunbeds were used in summer and sunbeds in winter. Today, knowledge about the harmful effects of the sun on the skin is widespread,...

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A good product will defend itself

Please tell us about the origins of the company – when was it established, under what circumstances and by whom was Aurea Pharma founded? All my professional life is related to the broadly understood “health protection”. I have worked years in a...

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Cleaning after the sun

Since the 1930s, a tan was thought to be super sexy. The “shattered into mahogany” skin and an athletic figure were fashionable, which were associated with a healthy lifestyle. So the women roasted in the sun in summer, and in winter they turned brown in...

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After sunbathing skin care

The sun is essential for human life and proper functioning. In small doses, it can be a remedy for some forms of seasonal depression, and is involved in the synthesis of vitamin D, which is necessary for the deposition of calcium in the bones. Gradually increasing...

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Trust Award GOLDEN OTIS 2016

The “Złoty Otis 2016” Trust Award is a title awarded by consumers to pharmaceutical companies’ products. This year’s winners include Aurea Pharma and two unique products well known to the readers of Care Oncology – RadioProtect and...

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Trust Award GOLDEN OTIS 2016

Thanks to the opinions and recommendations of Patients and Medical Staff using our products, skin care creams during and after ChemoDry B6 chemotherapy as well as during and after chemotherapy have received honorable nominations for the Golden OTIS 2016 Trust Award....

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Medical PR zone – information about the product

Chemodry B6 A specialist moisturizing and lubricating cream applied to dry and sensitive skin (e.g. with selected chemotherapy regimens). MeDrink Plus – up to 400 kcal in 1 package Pharmabest is proud to present MeDrink Plus (DŚSSPM): a liquid diet, nutritious...

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Unique creams

This year, the laureates of the Golden OTIS include two Aurea Pharma products, the well-known RADIOPROTECT and CHEMODRY B6 creams. Read all:...

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Sensitive skin

Skin changes resulting from radiotherapy can significantly worsen the patient’s comfort during treatment. These changes, called radiation reactions, prolong the healing process and, in extreme cases, may lead to ulceration, scarring and even necrosis. Proper...

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When it burns too much

How to relieve sunburn and regenerate the skin? We are waiting for summer all year round. When it comes – we want to saturate ourselves with its warmth as soon as possible and do not think about the effects of excessive sunbathing. After all, our skin craves the...

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Every day and in need

We all suffer from skin damage. This happens in the course of ordinary household activities, but also in the course of diseases and related therapies. How to soothe skin damage? In both situations, it is worth reaching for specialized preparations created by Grzegorz...

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A rescue for the skin

RadioProtect and ChemoDry B6 – two Polish specialist care creams It quickly and effectively soothes the effects of excessive sunbathing, perfectly cares for the skin of patients during radiotherapy, is irreplaceable in case of burns. RadioProtect soothing and...

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Sunny health and safety

How to properly use the sun to make it our friend? In small doses, it is almost a medicine, while in large doses it causes burns, pigment disorders and accelerates skin aging. It’s sunlight. We need it for life and proper functioning. And how to protect yourself...

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A tube at home won’t hurt

The skin becomes dry and variously damaged. It happens in normal home activities, but also in cancer and associated radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In such situations, it is worth using specialized cosmetics that have been created especially for oncological patients....

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Sensitive skin

During radiotherapy, the skin is damaged, and in the case of chemotherapy, it becomes excessively dry. In such a situation, it is worth using specialized cosmetics that have been created with oncological patients in mind. Read all: Wrażliwa...

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Healthy weight reduction

Are you still hungry? Can you sit at the table non-stop and wait for the next meal? Support for people like you is Obesimed Forte – a product that reduces appetite, prevents overeating and contributes to weight loss. Read all: Zdrowa redukcja masy ciała...

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Life, health, disease

Radiation reaching Earth from space contains infrared, visible light and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Infrared radiation is responsible for maintaining the right temperature on Earth. We owe the life-giving energy of visible rays to the stimulation of reproductive and...

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Skin care in treatment with ionizing rays

The possibility of adverse effects of treatment with lonizing radiation is present in the plan of the healing and nursing process. The main, but not the only side effect of treatment, and at the same time the skin nursing problem, is early treatment toxicity. Read...

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