Aim: to investigate the effects of PolyGlycopleX® (PGX®), a proprietary polysaccharide complex and a proprietary Psyllium product (PgxSyl™) (PSY) on diet, body weight and composition in overweight and obese individuals.
Study design: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.Subjects: 159 people with overweight and obesity (BMI25–47 kg/m2) randomized to 3 groups: control (rice flour); PGX (PGX) and proprietary psyllium (PSY). Participants did not change any of their usual habits or diet except they consumed 5 g of supplement (5 g psyllium or 5 g PGX or 5 g rice flour as placebo) taken with a total of500 ml of water 5-10 min before meals for 52 weeks. PGX is a polysaccharide complex manufactured by a proprietary process (Enviro-Simplex®) from konjac (glucomannan), sodium alginate and xanthan gum.
Results: Weight was significantly lower in the PGX group compared to control at 3 (-1,6 kg [0,57, 2,67, p = 0,003]), 6 (-2,6 kg [1,01, 4,13, p = 0,001]) and 12 months (-2,6 kg [0,59, 4,64, p = 0,012]) and in the PSY group compared to control group at 3 (-1,1 kg [0,07, 2,12, p = 0,037]) and 6 months (-2,4 kg [0,95, 3,93, p = 0,002]). This was a difference of -2,8% for the PGX group and -1,5% for the PSY group compared to control after 12 months supplementation. Body Fat was significantly lower in PGX compared to control at 6 (-1,8 kg [0,63, 2,95, p = 0,003]) and 12 months (-1,9 kg [0,43, 3,36, p = 0,012]) and in PSY compared to control at 6 (-1,9 kg [0,84, 3,04, p = 0,001]) and 12 months (-1,4 kg [0,08, 2,71, p = 0,038]).
Minor adverse events were gastrointestinal related (e.g. flatulence, diarrhoea) with four participants withdrawing from the study, two in the PGX group and two in the control group. The PSY supplement was better tolerated and participants did not report any adverse effects.Authors’ conclusion: PGX was better than PSY at maintaining dietary changes and weight loss over the 12 month intervention period, with no change to exercise. A simple strategy of PGX supplementation may offer an effective solution to long-term weight-loss and then management without the need for other nutrient modification.
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