What is obesity

Obesity is a complex chronic disease. It leads to numerous, serious health complications and negatively affects the whole organism and the human psyche.

Although it has accompanied man since the dawn of time, in times of constant food shortage, being synonymous with social status, wealth and beauty, today it is considered a chronic illness and a serious social problem.

Epidemiological studies indicate a significant increase in obesity in subsequent generations. Due to its prevalence, this disease is referred to as a civilization problem.

Obesity is characterized by excessive fat accumulation, which significantly exceeds the physiological needs and adaptability of the body. We speak of obesity when adipose tissue reaches a value above 15% of the adult male body weight and over 25% of the adult female body weight. We determine it using a body mass index (BMI) equal to or above 30 kg / m2. Its consequence is a deterioration in the quality of life, disability and an increased risk of premature death.

Types of obesity

We can distinguish simple obesity, which is caused by excessive food supply in relation to energy expenditure, and secondary obesity, which can occur in the course of many diseases.

It is believed that the development of primary obesity is the result of the interaction of genetic background and environmental factors. They are influenced by:

Causes of secondary obesity

There are a number of diseases that manifest themselves, among others, secondary obesity. These include:

Impact of obesity on human health

Obesity has a negative impact on the functioning of the entire human body, it can contribute to damage or disease of many organs.

The effects of obesity are particularly felt by the osteoarticular system, because under the influence of too much weight degeneration and degeneration occur. Obesity also increases the risk of osteoarthritis and the risk of fractures and dislocations.

Obesity significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Deposition of fat, mainly LDL cholesterol fraction in the walls of blood vessels and the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, lead to difficulties in blood flow. Heart failure, characteristic of obese people, results in breathing disorders, which may result in brain hypoxia and, consequently, death. Obesity also contributes to hypertension, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. Another problem for obese people is varicose veins of the lower extremities and an increase in the risk of developing such diseases as stroke, cancer, infertility, cholelithiasis. Obesity also reduces mood and negatively affects self-esteem.

Non-pharmacological treatment of obesity

Obesity is an interdisciplinary problem, and its causes and effects can affect various spheres of human functioning. Therefore, the treatment process should take into account multilateral activities and involve such specialists as dietitian, physiotherapist, psychologist and medical doctor. The basic method of treating obesity is diet. The amount of calories supplied in foods should be reduced by 500-1000 kcal per day. The rate of weight reduction should not be greater than 0.5-1 kg per week and by 10% of the initial value in 6 months. The diet should limit the amount of fat consumed, supplement it with vegetables, fruits and fiber-containing foods, and regularly eat meals.

An irreplaceable method of fighting obesity and its treatment is physical effort. Aerobic exercise is recommended (at least 30 minutes a day). During exercise, remember to relieve the joints. The impact of physical effort on the body of an obese man is multilevel – it increases energy consumption and physical performance, also helps maintain or increase muscle mass during a low-calorie diet, prevents rebound (yo-yo effect), and improves mood by increasing beta-endorphin secretion. relieving stress.

Psychotherapy is also extremely helpful in the treatment of obesity. It helps to increase the patient’s self-awareness, analyze his eating behavior and physical activity and modify them.

The role of psychotherapy is to support the process of treating obesity by stimulating positive lifestyle changes and acquiring new adaptive skills in coping with stress and disorders associated with obesity (e.g. compulsive overeating).

Psychotherapy of obesity is usually implemented in one of the following trends: cognitive – behavioral, systemic, psychodynamic.

The mechanisms of hunger and satiety

Since the basic non-pharmacological method of treating hunger is diet and shaping the desired eating habits, it seems important to understand the mechanisms that regulate the feeling of hunger by a person.

Hunger is triggered by:

The importance of fiber in maintaining health and treating obesity

In previous centuries, the human diet was based on fiber-rich plants. In modern times in developed countries, the average human diet contains about 13g of fiber per day. These are definitely too small amounts. It is stated that a healthy diet should provide the body with 25g of fiber daily for women and 38g for men.

Fiber plays a huge role in preventing many chronic diseases and is closely related to maintaining a healthy body weight. Fiber is a bulking agent. The viscosity of fiber is the majority of clinical benefits resulting from its consumption. The higher its viscosity, the more effective it is in reducing the glycemic response to food. The glycemic index (IG) is an indicator that tells you how rapidly after consuming a food product your blood glucose increases. The higher the glycemic index value of a food, the higher the blood glucose level after eating it. Products are classified as having low glycemic index (IG ≤55), medium (IG = 56-69) and high (IG ≥70). The glycemic food index affects the effectiveness of weight loss. Low IG means that sugars get longer in the blood and prevent hunger. A diet based on products with a low glycemic index, and therefore rich in fiber, not only prevents obesity, but also helps you lose weight.

The physiological benefits of taking Obesimed® Forte

Obesimed® Forte is a medical device created for people seeking to achieve significant weight loss. It reduces appetite and prevents overeating, creating a feeling of satiety. The physiological benefits of using Obesimed® Forte result from its composition based on non-starch polysaccharides with a very high water retention capacity. Omtec19® and Omtec20® are patented soluble plant fiber complexes that expand when ingested when they interact with the fluid. Thanks to these ingredients, when swallowed, Obesimed® Forte capsules absorb large amounts of water, forming a gel mass in the stomach and causing satiety before meals. Obesimed® Forte increases the viscosity of food after a meal. Thanks to this, it significantly slows down the speed at which food is digested and absorbed. This leads to secondary beneficial effects from its use, such as prolonged satiety after a meal and normalization of blood glucose levels and insulin secretion after food ingestion. In addition, in the colon, Obesimed® Forte acts as a prebiotic, stimulates the production of bifidobacteria, inhibits the growth of unwanted microorganisms and lowers the pH of feces. Obesimed® Forte also contributes to lowering blood cholesterol.

Who was Obesimed® Forte developed for?

Obesimed® Forte was created for people who:

The best results are obtained by using Obesimed® Forte in combination with a healthy, balanced diet.