Aim: to investigate the effect of soluble fibre xanthan gum on appetite ratings (hunger, satiety and fullness) of obese patients.
Study design: a randomized blind, placebo controlled trial.
Subjects: 21 obese women (age 40,7+/-17, BMI>30 kg/m2) received xanthan gum (0, 5 g) and placebo in combination with a test meal (ham sandwich, 90 kcal). Eating behaviour was assessed by Three Factor Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (TFEBQ) by evaluating eating restrain, dysinhibition and hunger.
Results: satiety, hunger and epigastric fullness were assessed by visual analogue scale (VAS) and 7-point ratings scale before ingestion of test meal (ham sandwich-90 kcal) and in 20 min intervals during 2-hour observation. In a repeated measures design (xanthan gum vs placebo), appetite ratings were obtained before consumption of the test meal and at 20-minute intervals for the next 2 hours. Ingestion of test meal with drug and placebo causes statistical significant reduction inhunger and increase in satiety feelings. The significant positive correlation between third factor of TFEBQ (hunger) and BMI indexwas found. (r = 48, p < 0,05). 0,5 g of xanthan fiber with test meal didn’t cause significant change of satiety. It is probably the effect of too low dose of xanthan gum.
Authors’ conclusion: 0,5 g of xanthan fibre with test meal didn’t cause significantchange of satiety.
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